Monday, August 17, 2009

From the beginning

Only a few hours old. When she was first born her cries sounded like a dog's squeaky toy! She loved the sound of running water and being naked.

One Month Old. She was so cuddly, always wanting to be held. This picture was taken in our hotel room in Washington D.C.. It was her first big trip, a 12 hour drive, she did pretty well considering. She and I toured the museums and saw the sights while Ahmed was at his conference. Lucky us!

2 Months Old. Noorah has always loved her baths, even the sound of running water got her so excited.

3 Months Old. She started rolling over around 3 months, she was always very advanced for her age, even though she was so little!

4 Months Old. She loved rolling around and was trying so hard to move! I'm pretty sure her two bottom teeth pooped out around 4 and a half months.
5 Months Old. Aunt Kelly came to visit, we went to Cape Cod all together and saw the pretty beaches and a SEAL! Really close! Noorah was eating solids and rooling, trying to scoot and on her way to crawling.

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